Sunday, July 31, 2005

Oh holy crap! It's Karate!!

Dear Jesus,

I had my first ever volunteering job as an interpretor for foreigners today. It was a stressful day of running all over the place, and being grabbed left and right by the needy people from all over the world who had come to participate in the 50th annual "International Friendly Shorinji-Ryu Renshinkan Karate Together Eating Parade Festival Friendly Tournament" as it's called here. Or something like that.

Actually, it was a bit of a let-down. Not only was I not asked any questions by needy foreigners (they didn't need anything), but the people at the tournament didn't even have my name on a list. However, feeling bad for me and Sandy (the other volunteer), they gave us each shirts, and a bento lunch, and told us to walk around kicking the foreigners the hell out of the Japanese peoples' seats. Needless to say, we were bored, and we kicked more than a little ass.

The tournament for the most part was pretty goddam boring. It wasn't anything like the Karate Kid...none of them. Not even part 2 when he went to Okinawa with Mr. Miyagi. The opening ceremony lasted nearly 2 hours, and made me want to strangle somebody. When the tournament finally started, it was bullshit. The kids just practiced their forms, and were judged on who had better style between the two opponents. No hitting. No kicking in the face. Nobody sweeping any legs (Sweep the leg Johnny!!) Anyway, this continued on for a couple hours, since there were more than 1000 participants.

The exciting stuff happened at the intermission when this crazy drunk guy got on the floor (god only knows how they let him out there), and he started prancing around like a retard, nearly falling down with every step. He's apparently a third degree blackbelt or something. Oh wait, Sandy informs me that he wasn't drunk, but was in fact, a fucking tard. Come to think of it, it did seem a little like watching Sean Penn go running for Lucy (Looossssiiiiieeee!!), and watching him fall down the steps with that cake, and that rediculous grin on his face. Now there ladies and gents, was a class act tard. Heh...actard. Get it? Actor? Actard? Anyway...

Okay, and now for more crazy antics from the Koreans!! They hate the Japanese even more than the Chinese do...and that's sayin' alot! Take a look at this site to see some great photos!


Blogger Perogyo said...

I'm, uh, sorry we didn't have your name on the list. And that I didn't introduce myself. I saw you though (doesn't that sound stalkerish?)
But thanks for helping out on Sunday!

03 August, 2005 10:42  
Blogger spookydonkey said...

No problem!! I had a great time eating the free food and walking around and watching the drunken master perform for the crowd. And I got a groovy free t-shirt, so the day wasn't a complete waste...

08 August, 2005 04:46  

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