Sunday, August 07, 2005

Here's what you get for 3 years services...

WHAT THE FUCK?!? Those were the words I wanted to say, but I kept my thoughts to myself, and mumbled a hearty thank you to the Kanoya City Board of Education for their wonderful present. I guess I should've expected a crap present from the office who gave one of my other co-workers a fucking KNIT DONKEY!! But for chrissakes, I've been doing the work my boss is supposed to be doing for the last year - preparing all the new ALTs for their lives in Japan, etc. Things such as setting up bank accounts, going to the real estate agent, buying cars, and whatnot. This year I even had to find a freakin' house for one of the newbies.

Well these things don't go unnoticed by the Kanoya City BOE. Nope, they gave me the most wonderful of presents you can imagine. I got a solid iron WINDCHIME!! Wanna see what it looks like? Here's a replica - not the same one, but very similar.

Yes friends, believe it or not, I got one of these sweet little numbers for all the work I've put in over the last three years. Now I don't wanna seem unthankful, but for fucks sake! This is actually a true symbol of how fucking stingy my office is. While other friends have been known to receive digital cameras, and even video cameras from their offices, we in the Kanoya BOE have to put up with donkeys and bells.

Oh well...what are you gonna do? As for other examples of their ketchi-ness, I'll be writing more on the troubles of one of the new ALTs, Nha-Thy, and her problems with the evil Irius corporation when I have more time. For now, I must prepare to make the final leg of my journey back to the good ol' US of fukken A, so you may not hear from the Donkey for a week or so...unless I get a little free time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn brother, they did you wrong. but what did you expect? you saw it coming with Satsuki's going away gift two years ago. You know, my Kanoya BOE going away present ended up being a birthday present for a frined in Kag City. turned out it was her birthday, and K.B.O.E's shit was still in my car, in the box and in the nice bag.

So was your cast iron wind chime brand new, or was it a last minute grab from Higashi-sensei's back porch? you oughtta take that mo-fo and ding-dong the crap out of Murakami. with you gone, he's going to have to work in august . . .

-the Tsar

08 August, 2005 06:37  
Blogger Sandy said...

Hey at least you'll be gone soon. I am gradually losing patience for the lack of help for new ALTs from your supervisor. He actually just told all of them to come to me when there's trouble (even told the ALT supervisor in Kimotsuki!!! which is NOT even related to my office one little bit!)I don't know how long this will go on, and I REALLY hope that he can start to care about the ALTs... or some actions will be taken...

09 August, 2005 01:09  
Blogger spookydonkey said...

Sandy, I feel your pain, sister! He actually told the new ALTs that he wouldn't give them his phone number, because he didn't want them calling him over trivial matters. Hmmm. Sounds like someone just doesn't want to be in charge of ALTs. I personally think they should just put Zoo in charge of 'em, since he doesn all the work anyway, and he seems to actually enjoy it. But anyway, I think you should revolt, and just tell him to do his own fucking work, since that's what he's paid to do.

And Tsar, did you even see what they gave you? I can't remember what it was. The funny thing was that they actually asked me what I wanted, and I told 'em I wanted cold hard CASH, but apparently they weren't going for that. But really, it wasn't a surprise, since I vividly remember Satsuki's face when she got her fukken DONKEY! I just wish they would've given me the Y1000, or whatever it cost them, because at least I could wipe my ass with paper...I can't do nothin with a wind-chime except hit Murakami over the head repeatedly. And maybe that's the real reason they bought it for me. Hmmm.

09 August, 2005 23:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm . . .yeah. I got a Satsuma-pottery sake set; a kettle and four sake cups to heat up that good ol Satsuma shochu, and a snythetic log/owl/ reading light.

It was the goodbye stuff from Kanoya Higashi Chu that got thrown away. You dug it out of the garbage, remember? You remember more of what Ga-chu gave me than I do. Heh.

Just for shits and gigggles, you ougtta give the new ALTs Murakami's phone number anyway. It's not like he did that much work when WE had his number . . .Still in Thailand man, I drink this one for me, that one for you, and another one for that twitchy little bastard who did do some work, Mir-mir. Be good on the outside bro, dont blow your parole.

The Tsar

11 August, 2005 01:42  
Blogger spookydonkey said...

Oh, don't worry my man...I gave them his number. That fucking loser. I think my next entry will be all about that phuckstick. And yes, your omiyage that I got from the garbage from ga-chu turned into fantastic omiyage for other people! Man, I hope you're having a good time and gettin' some good whoorin' time in...cos if you ain't, it's just a wasted trip!

Spooky D

11 August, 2005 06:33  

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