Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ever seen what a KILLER looks like?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen...I have killed. Taken a life. ERASED someone (as my friend Skorch likes to say). Take a look at the following (or avert your eyes, if you have a weak stomach), and gaze into the eyes of a LUNATIC!!

Oh yes, I have done it. You can see my hapless victim laying at my feet. I can argue though, that it was self-defence people! I swear, it was this monster jellyfish or me! He had his stinging mechanism all ready to go. I was just swimming along, minding my own goddam business, when an entire school of these little bastards came toward me as fast as their jelly-tentacles could move them. I tell you, I had to make an example of one of them. Thinking fast, I grabbed for the nearest stick floating in the water, and rammed it into the mushroom head of this foul beast. He never knew what hit him! I dragged his lifeless corpse to the shore, and there had my picture taken with him.

To the victor go the spoils, they say. I barbecued this little beauty in some soy sauce for dinner. Crazy? You may say that. But then again, if it happened to you, wouldn't you do the same? God, I am so sick of packing. Good thing I have this blog to keep me company!

Two more weeks, and I am outta here!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh . . .the humanity. Imagine, your a poor, helpless, leaf-eatin' doe-eyed little jellyfish. you put your tentacles to the cool, clear water . . . AND BLAM!! someone sticks you in the head with a stick. Now I axe you, would you care what color swim trunks the sunofabitch who stabbed you was wearin???????

-The Tsar

02 August, 2005 03:24  

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