Thursday, October 27, 2005

Fatty Fat Facts for Fatasses

Today just a quick glance at Google News brought me three great stories, beginning with the world's most evil corporation of all time, Wal-Mart. They have decided to cut costs for their employees by offering them cheaper health insurance. Great, huh? But here's the catch...a memo written by the VP of Benefits, was released to newspapers by a labor union-backed group. The gist of the memo is that Wal-Mart will be trying to push out its older, fatter, less healthy workers, and attract a younger, more physically fit labor force. While I am all for discriminating against the fat and the elderly, I believe it should only be allowed on a personal level, and damn the corporations!

"It will be far easier to attract and retain a healthier workforce than it will be to change behavior in an existing one," the Chambers memo says.

Amen, brother. Get rid of that old fatty working register 5!

Our next story concerns Iran calling for the COMPLETE ANNIHILATION of Israel. That would be an impressive feat. maybe once Iran actually gets a few nukes built, they can do something about it. Until then, the point is probably moot. But I'm anxiously awaiting that day...

Story number three concerns McDonald's. It seems that McDonald's has finally caved and is about to give the consumers of its death burgers some facts about the "nutrition" levels in their foods. Have you guys ever seen Supersize Me? I was in Japan until August, so I couldn't see it there, but as soon as I came back to the states, i watched it. If you haven't seen it, put it on your "to do" list. It will make you never want to eat fast food again in your life.

And speaking of McDonald's, it's rare that I get an urge to eat there, but I do get urges to try to find out what ever happened to characters such as Mayor McCheese, the Hamburglar and Grimace. Not so much the Fry Guys though. Check out
this link to find out all about the Mystery of Grimace!! Trust me, it's cool!


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